This definitely seems to be one of the more popular suits in the hazmat fetishists’ community – this is the Trellchem Trelleborg VPS hazmat suit. As with any suit with the rigid hard plastic visor, they are normally quite expensive and hard to find, but I got a relatively good deal on this suit several years ago. At the time of this writing, this is my only proper level A suit; now that I have my SCBA, I suppose it’s time to get some more!
The suit itself is a light yellow color, but not fluorescent yellow. It’s also not made with Tyvek Tychem, which is a very common material used for hazmat suits. It also has a large hard plastic visor, booties, and permanently attached inner gloves with replaceable outer gloves attached using glove rings (which I unfortunately don’t have… if you know where I can get some, let me know).
As with any other suit, it’s a lot of fun to wear! Check out my video below of me wearing it.